
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Astrill vs ExpressVPN Comparison

Most recommended


  • 160 server locations
  • Anonymous browsing
  • Public Wi-Fi safety
  • Best-in-class encryption

A good choice too


  • Surf anonymously
  • Unblock websites
  • VPN servers across 59 countries
  • Trusted by millions

Choose the Best VPN Between Astrill and ExpressVPN

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated VPN Service in This Comparison

7 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

71.43% of users selected ExpressVPN , 28.57% selected AstrillVPN . Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

Do you want to find out the best VPN service for your needs? If so, you have come to the right place! Below is a comparison of two leading VPN providers: Astrill and ExpressVPN. They each have many years of experience, a large customer base, and offer a range of packages for different budgets. But which one is better? In this blog post, we will help you decide by comparing some major features from both services so that you can make an informed decision about which service to choose.

Servers and Locations

The first important thing to look at when comparing Astrill and ExpressVPN is the number of servers and locations offered. You should consider this aspect because it is highly probable that you will want to connect to a server close by for faster speeds.

It is important to know where a VPN service has servers because the closer the server is to your physical location, the faster your connection speed will be. Moreover, you should connect to a server in the country of your desired content.

Astrill offers a total of 300+ VPN servers in 57 countries, while ExpressVPN has over 3000 servers in 145 locations across 94 countries.

This means that if you need to connect to a VPN server in a specific country, chances are that ExpressVPN will have a server there, while Astrill may not.

As far as country availability goes, both providers are well covered on this side of things too. However, ExpressVPN has servers in China, Russia and Turkey while Astrill does not.

Of course, size doesn’t matter. But you can rest assured that when it comes to the number of servers offered by both VPN providers, there is no doubt that ExpressVPN is better by far.

If you use VPN to unblock content and enjoy online streaming, then ExpressVPN is the better choice as it has more servers available in locations where Netflix can be accessed.

Servers and Locations


The next thing we look at is the speed of each VPN since this is arguably one of the most important factors to consider. Speed is always important, as it is a measure of how well your VPN can handle the data you are sending through its system. Moreover, if you are streaming or torrenting, speed becomes even more important.

Speed depends on a number of factors, including the distance between you and your VPN server, but also how much data is being sent through your connection. The encryption used by both Astrill vs ExpressVPN can have an effect on speed too.

ExpressVPN is known to be one of the fastest VPN providers out there and we found that this was indeed true in our tests as well. Astrill scored a 70% (with 15 seconds) on our 100 Mbps connection test which means that it can handle almost all your needs with ease. This also makes it suitable for high-speed video and audio downloads – perfect for those who want to download content without any restrictions!

ExpressVPN has been pretty consistent across various platforms throughout the years. This makes them great for people who want consistent performance without any major dips or spikes throughout the day/night.

Astrill, on the other hand, did not fare as well in our speed tests. We got a 60% (with 23 seconds) on the same 100 Mbps connection test. This is still good enough for most users but it’s worth mentioning that ExpressVPN is faster.

Both VPNs offer a range of server locations, but ExpressVPN’s network is larger and more diverse. This gives you more options for finding a fast connection, no matter where in the world you are.

Astrill does have some servers that are faster than ExpressVPN, particularly in Asia, but overall, ExpressVPN is the clear winner when it comes to speed.

So, if speed is your number one priority, ExpressVPN is the VPN for you!



There are a few things that must be considered when talking about VPN security. Firstly, the VPN provider must have a well-encrypted and secure data center. This will ensure your information is kept safe in transit without being intercepted by outside sources. Secondly, this service should use advanced OpenVPN encryption to keep you protected from hackers trying to gain access to sensitive information stored on your computer or device while using public Wi-Fi networks at cafes or airports.

Security is one of the most important factors when choosing a VPN provider. You need to know that your information is safe and secure, so it’s a good idea to choose a company with a track record of protecting its users. In addition, be sure to choose a VPN provider that has advanced security protocols such as OpenVPN, LZO or AES 256-BIT Encryption.

The Astrill and ExpressVPN comparison shows that both services provide state-of-the-art encryption levels using military-grade 128-bit SSL (AES) /256 bit CBC (Openvpn). On top of that, both services provide support for the more secure VPN protocols OpenVPN (TCP/UDP) and IKEv.

Astrill and ExpressVPN are both trusted and secure VPN services. They have strong encryption, a good reputation for protecting user data, and they offer advanced features like split tunneling and leak protection to keep your identity hidden from third parties.

Astrill has 256-bit AES OpenVPN encryption with SHA256 authentication while ExpressVPN uses the very similar 256-bit AES protocol but adds an option of 4096-bit CA RSA handshake encryption as well (the highest level possible). In addition, ExpressVPN provides a kill switch that will terminate your internet connection if the VPN tunnel is lost for any reason, ensuring that your true identity is never exposed.

Both companies also include perfect forward secrecy which further secures any potential information leaks that may occur in the future.

ExpressVPN is slightly better with its privacy policy, as it does not keep any logs of user activity. Astrill has been known to store some connection logs (although they are deleted after seven days), which could be a cause for concern for some users.


Logging Policies

One more aspect of security is logging policies. It means that the VPN service keeps track of user activities and stores this data for a certain period of time. Some people might find it intrusive, especially if they are using a VPN to perform sensitive tasks (like online banking).

There are a lot of VPN providers who keep user logs to some extent, while others don’t collect personal information at all. But some providers are more transparent about their logging policies than others.

If you use VPN to keep your data secure and want to be sure that your activities are not being tracked, then you should definitely research a provider’s logging policies before signing up.

Astrill VPN Logging Policies:

Astrill does not keep logs of user activity or app usage, which is great for privacy and anonymity purposes. However, the company keeps some connection metadata (app version number, time when connected to a server) in order to troubleshoot problems.

ExpressVPN Logging Policies:

ExpressVPN is one of the most transparent VPN providers when it comes to logging policies. The company does not keep logs of user activity or connection metadata. Moreover, ExpressVPN is registered in the British Virgin Islands, which does not have any data retention laws.

Logging policies are an important aspect of a VPN service, and both Astrill and ExpressVPN provide good protection against data logging.

Remember that no VPN is 100% perfect, and there is always a risk that your data could be compromised. But with these two providers, you can rest assured that your privacy will be protected.

ExpressVPN Logging Policies

Company & Jurisdiction

The next thing you’ll want to consider is the company and jurisdiction. It is important because you want to make sure the company is reputable.

Astrill is based in Seychelles, which has very strong privacy laws. ExpressVPN is based in the British Virgin Islands, which also has strong privacy laws. So both companies are located in countries with good privacy laws.

Jurisdiction is important because it determines the laws that will apply to a company. If a company is based in a country with strong privacy laws, then those are the laws that will apply to them. This is important because it means that the company has to follow these laws and they can’t just change them whenever they want.

Even if your VPN provider is based in a country that doesn’t have strong privacy laws, you should still be safe because they are not subject to those laws. If the government wants access to customer data from your VPN service, then it can order them to provide this information and serve warrants for user activity logs.

So I think both companies would be safe from a jurisdiction perspective.

User Interface

The user interface is a very important aspect of any software. After all, if the user interface is not good, then users will not be able to use the software properly. Moreover, if the user interface is not good, then users will not be able to use all of the features of the software.

With that in mind, it is important to compare the user interfaces of Astrill and ExpressVPN. In general, there are a few differences between them. First, Astrill has a very simple interface. It is not particularly attractive, but it gets the job done. On the other hand, ExpressVPN has an extremely good-looking interface that will appeal to most users.

Additionally, Astrill’s user interface does not provide many options for customization or settings tweaking. With that in mind, its simplicity may be a good or bad thing, depending on your preferences. ExpressVPN, meanwhile, provides many customization options for users who want to tweak their settings.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that Astrill’s user interface is not very up-to-date. Some of the elements look quite dated and could use an update. ExpressVPN’s user interface, on the other hand, looks very current.

User Interface

Overall, both user interfaces are quite good. However, if you are looking for a good-looking interface with many customization options, then ExpressVPN is the better choice. If you are looking for a simple interface that does not require much tweaking, then Astrill is the better choice.

I also have to note that you should always pay attention to the user interface when choosing a VPN because, after all, you will be using it quite often.

Netflix & Streaming

Another area that must be considered when choosing a VPN is its ability to unblock streaming services like Netflix. Many people use a VPN to access streaming services like Netflix, Hulu or HBO Go. Others choose to use it when they travel abroad so that they can watch their favorite shows on the road instead of resorting to pirated content that may contain malware and pose privacy issues. As you might imagine, unblocking these services is one of the main reasons people subscribe in the first place.

Netflix is available in dozens of countries around the world, but not all VPNs can unblock it. Some providers are vastly better than others when attempting to circumvent geo-restrictions and many don’t even try.

Netflix itself has acknowledged that certain VPNs work better than others at getting into different regions so there is no one answer as to which service works best.

What is the best VPN for Netflix?

The answer to this question varies from region to region and depends on a variety of factors, some of which we will explore below. We have tried our best to provide an accurate overview but due to how dynamic the situation with streaming services can be, it’s hard to give a definitive answer.

If you’re looking to access geo-restricted content, both Astrill and ExpressVPN are up for the task. However, there are some slight differences between the two services in this area.

In our tests, ExpressVPN performed better overall than Astrill. In addition to being able to unblock US Netflix, it was also the only VPN we tried that could successfully access content on other streaming services like Hulu and HBO Go. It may not always work as well as some of its competitors but if you want a provider with a good track record for unblocking streaming services, ExpressVPN is a good bet.

What is the best VPN for Netflix?

Astrill, on the other hand, was not able to unblock US Netflix in our tests. However, it is still one of the better providers when it comes to unblocking streaming services like BBC iPlayer and Hulu.

If you’re looking for a provider that can get into all regions of Netflix, ExpressVPN is your best bet. If you’re mainly interested in unblocking other streaming services, Astrill is a good alternative.

Plans & Pricing

Another important factor to consider is the pricing and plan options for each VPN service. They should be taken into consideration because they can vary a lot. Moreover, some VPN providers have different pricing for their basic and premium plans.

Astrill offers three different pricing plans: 1 month, 6 months and 1 year. The monthly plan costs $20.00, the six-month plan is $15.00 per month, and the yearly plan is $10.00 per month. It is one of the most expensive VPN providers on the market.

ExpressVPN, on the other hand, offers a much more affordable pricing plan. Their monthly plan costs $12.95, their six-month plan is $59.95, and their yearly plan is $99.95. This means that ExpressVPN is almost two times cheaper than Astrill.

It should be noted that Astrill offers only a seven-day money-back guarantee, while ExpressVPN offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

You must consider your budget and the features you need when choosing between Astrill and ExpressVPN. If price is not a major concern, then Astrill may be the better option because it offers more features than ExpressVPN. However, if the price is a major concern, then ExpressVPN would be the better choice.

If you are looking for a VPN service that is affordable and has a wide variety of features, ExpressVPN would be the better option.

Also, remember that price is not always a sign of better quality. Sometimes it is also better to spend more money on a VPN service that offers great features and support than choose the cheapest option only because of price.

Customer Support

The next consideration is customer support. Customer service is very important for people who are new to VPNs and other security tools because they might need help getting set up, changing settings, or resolving problems that arise during their use of a VPN tool. Moreover, customer service can be an important factor in choosing a VPN tool because people want to know that they will be able to get help when they need it.

Astrill and ExpressVPN both offer customer support options in several different forms. Astrill offers a live chat that is available to users 24 hours a day and seven days a week, as well as an email contact form for non-urgent inquiries. ExpressVPN has similar options: it can be contacted through its website by filling out the online contact form, online chat, or through email, although the chat option is only available during certain hours.

Customer Support

While Astrill’s website has a substantial amount of information about different aspects of the program, it is not as well organized or easy to navigate as ExpressVPN’s.

In addition, Astrill offers support through its forum section on its website which allows users to seek help from other people who have experienced similar issues and may therefore be able to offer advice that will work for them too. Additionally, if someone cannot find what they need in this area or does not feel comfortable posting their own inquiries there, then they can contact customer service directly via email.

Finally, if none of these options meet their needs and preferences completely, Astrill also has an extensive knowledge base with articles written by company specialists covering many topics related to VPNs so customers can troubleshoot on their own.

ExpressVPN also offers a live chat service that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It can be reached through the website contact form or Twitter direct message. In addition, ExpressVPN has a help center with articles covering many topics related to its services. The help center is well organized and easy to navigate, making it a good resource for people who are not familiar with VPNs or need more information about them.

So overall, both companies offer great customer support options, although Astrill’s might have a slight edge because of its round-the-clock availability of live chat. However, ExpressVPN’s website is much easier to navigate and its articles in the knowledge base are more comprehensive.

Remember, the best way to find out which company is right for you is to try them both!


Does ExpressVPN reduce ping?

Yes, ExpressVPN can help reduce ping. VPNs work by creating a secure tunnel between your device and the server you’re connecting to. This tunnel encrypts all of your traffic, which in turn helps to reduce lag and latency.

Can ExpressVPN be used to unblock Netflix?

Yes, ExpressVPN can be used to unblock Netflix. The VPN service has been consistently successful in bypassing the streaming giant’s geo-restrictions.

Does Astrill offer a free trial?

No, Astrill does not offer a free trial. However, the company does offer a 7-day money-back guarantee.

Can ExpressVPN protect my privacy?

Yes, ExpressVPN is one of the most secure VPNs on the market. It uses state-of-the-art security protocols, including AES-256-bit encryption and perfect forward secrecy. Additionally, it has a strict no-logs policy, meaning that your data will never be stored or monitored.

Do pro gamers use VPN?

Yes, many pro gamers use VPNs. What’s more, is that some games even require the use of a VPN to play them online. This is because some countries have blocked certain games from being played in their region. In order to circumvent these restrictions, gamers will use a VPN in their home country.

Can ExpressVPN help unblock websites?

Yes, ExpressVPN can help unblock websites. In many cases, ExpressVPN is the best tool for the job. This is because it’s one of the most reliable services on the market, and it has a strong commitment to privacy. Moreover, it has an extensive server network across the globe.

Which VPN protocol is best?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Different VPN protocols offer different levels of security and performance. You may need to experiment a bit to find the protocol that works best for you. However, the most popular VPN protocols are OpenVPN and IPSec.

How do I install ExpressVPN?

ExpressVPN is one of the easiest VPNs to set up. All you need is their user-friendly app for your device’s operating system. Plus, they have 24/7 customer support available if you get stuck along the way!

What country should I connect VPN to?

This depends on what you want to use your VPN for. If you want to access region-locked content, then you’ll need to connect to a server in the relevant country. However, if you just want to protect your privacy and security, then it doesn’t really matter which country your VPN is located in.

How do I cancel ExpressVPN?

If you’re looking to unsubscribe from ExpressVPN, then you need their app. From there, just follow the step-by-step instructions and they’ll take care of everything else for you!

Is it safe to use VPN on mobile devices?

Yes, it is safe to use a VPN on mobile devices. However, you should be aware that some VPNs are not as secure as others. If privacy is your main concern, then you should opt for a trusted and reliable VPN like ExpressVPN.

Useful Video: Astrill VPN Review 2022 🔥 Can it compete with ExpressVPN, NordVPN & Surfshark VPN?

Final Thoughts

Now you know the differences between Astrill and ExpressVPN. Both of them are great VPN services, but there can only be one winner; in this article, we will discuss who that is.

When it comes to speed, both providers offer fast speeds across the board with minimal drops during peak hours (which has been rare for us). While they have similar speeds, ExpressVPN edges out Astrill by a small margin.

However, when it comes to server locations, ExpressVPN is the clear winner with over 3000 servers in more than 90 countries while ExpressVPN only has around 300 servers in around 50 countries. This means that if you need a VPN for accessing content from a specific region, ExpressVPN is more likely to have a server near you.

Another area where ExpressVPN beats Astrill hands down is in customer support. While both providers offer 24/7 support, ExpressVPN’s support team are far more knowledgeable and helpful than Astrill’s. They can help with everything from troubleshooting to configuring your VPN.

Astrill is very expensive for what you get, especially given that its monthly plan is more expensive than ExpressVPN even though the latter offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

In comparison to ExpressVPN, we think they are better in almost every way and offer good value for your money. If you are looking for a VPN service that is fast, has a large server network and has great customer support, then ExpressVPN is the provider for you.

We hope you have found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.